Looking for some interesting and deep conversation starters topic?
Here I have compiled some great conversation starter questions to ask your girl/guy crush, partner, or friend.
To make it easy, I have broken down these deep conversation questions into separate topics.
So, scan through these listed deep convo starters to see what interests you or need to get started.
Moreover, always ask follow-up questions to find out more.
Have a look and pick these suitable deep conversation topics to know more about a love interest, friend, or crush guy/girl.
Deep Conversation Topics With Crush | Topics | 2025
Here are some of the best deep conversation topics to ask your crush girl or guy. Pick suitable good conversation topics.
“What was the best year of your life so far?”
“What’s your favorite thing to do on the internet?”
“What do you spend most of your time doing?”
“What do you spend way too much money on?”
“Who do you have a hard time taking seriously?”
“What do you judge people for most often?”
“What’s your favorite thing to shop for? Why?”
“What’s the best compliment that someone can receive?”
“What’s something you can do that most people can’t?”
“How do you calm yourself down when you are angry?”
Related: Conversation Starters With Your Crush
“What is your worst getting trolled story?”
“What do you find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?”
“What was the most beautiful view you have ever experienced?”
“What fad have you held on to, even though it isn’t popular anymore?”
“What event small or large has changed the course of your life the most?”
“What is something you have read or heard that has stuck with you for a long time?”
“What’s something that people go on and on about, and you just can’t take sitting through?”
“When was the last time you tried to do something to look cool and it ended in utter embarrassment?”
“What is the most cringe-worthy thing you have seen someone post on social media?”
“What is the most ridiculous rule you have to follow?”
Related: Flirty Conversation Starters To Break The Ice
“What bullet have you recently dodged?”
“What country do you not know the location of even though you should?”
“What do you have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?”
“What’s the most impressive skill you have?”
“What’s a huge story in the news that you care absolutely nothing about?”
“What would you choose to do to improve yourself?”
“Is lying ever the right thing to do? When?”
“What are the highest and lowest points of your life?”
“Can human nature be completely changed by culture or society?”
Related: Flirty Dares Over Text To Add Spark
“What are the best and worst parts of human nature?”
“What or who would you sacrifice your life for?”
“What’s the most crucial thing for a healthy relationship?”
“What makes a person truly evil?”
“What keeps you up at night?”
“If you could change three things about your country, what would you change?”
“What is something that most people learn only after it’s too late?”
“What was one of the best days of your life?”
“Would you rather be poor with lots of good friends or rich with no friends?”
“How quickly do you jump to conclusions about people?”
Deep Conversation Starters With A Guy Or Girl 2025
Here are cool and hot conversation topics to start with a girl or a guy.
“Do you think lies are necessary to have a long relationship or honesty is the best policy?”
“What are some of the morals you live by?”
“Do you believe in second chances?”
“What are you tired of hearing about?”
“Till what age would you like to live and why?”
“How’s your life lately?”
“Are you happier single or in a relationship?”
“Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?”
“What will people say at your funeral?”
“What is the best thing that you have done, just because you were told you can’t?”
“What do you think keeps people in toxic relationships?”
“Are you an introvert or extrovert?”
“What 3 qualities do you admire most in another person?”
“Do you think men and women can ever really be friends?”
“What is your definition of love?”
Related: Gender Neutral Compliments & Praises
“What do you think we’re doing here?”
Deep Conversation Starters In Relationships 2025
“If you could change one thing about our relationship, what would it be?”
“What can I do to be a better partner?”
“What do you think is the most annoying thing about me?”
Related: How To Start A Conversation?
“Do you think we have good communication in our relationship, or do you think we can improve?”
“What do you like best about me?”
“What do you like the least about me?”
“Do you believe in “soulmates” and, if so, do you think that I am your soulmate?”
“Are you content with our relationship, as is?”
“What do you think your life would be like without me?”
“What do you think is the key to a successful relationship?”
“Which do you value more in a relationship, comfort or spontaneity?”
“What do you think a woman’s role should be in a relationship?”
“What do you think a man’s role should be in a relationship?”
“What are 3 things that I can do to make you feel more appreciated?”
“Do you think we spend too much time together, or not enough?”
“What is one thing you wish I did differently as a parent?”
“Do you think that I’ve made you a better person, and if so, how?”
“What has been your favorite memory of our time together?”
“What is one thing you would change about our sex life?”
“What was the moment that you first knew you loved me?”
Related: Who Knows Me Better Questions Quiz
“What is one thing that can help me know YOU better?”
“What do think is your greatest strength in our relationship?”
“Is there something that I do that makes you feel disrespected?”
“Why do you think I am “the One”?”
“Do I have all of the traits that you look for in a partner?”
“When we’re apart, how long does it take for you to start missing me?”
Related: How To Talk To Your Crush To Like You Back?
“What do you think are the 3 most important things in a relationship?”
Well, I hope you have found these deep conversation starters with your crush girl or guy, friend, or partner helpful.
Moreover, I’ve got a few things that might be useful to you. Check out these questions to ask, pick up lines, icebreakers, and nicknames to call to help you have a smooth convo.
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