100+ Best Good Night Message For Her Long Distance Before Going To Bed 2025

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Best Good Night Message For Her Long Distance
Good Night Message To My Love Far Away Before Going To Bed

These are the best good night message for her long distance whether she’s your long-term girlfriend or a crush, sharing a message in long distance relationship is always good.

Sending her a good night message at bedtime lets her know that you are thinking of your girlfriend before going to bed which helps a romance to blossom.

Here’s a comprehensive list of good night quotes for her however you still need to pick the right good night text for her to send your girlfriend that she would cherish and admire.

Sending the right text at the right time in a long distance relationship can really make her feel special.

You can even send her good morning texts as well as use these questions to ask her to spice things up in long distance relationships.

Here are 100+ of the best good night message to my love far away:

Flirty Good Night Messages For Her Long Distance | Crush | 2025

Whether you need flirty good night messages for your crush or girlfriend in a long-distance relationship, these are quite useful flirty goodnight texts for her to wish sweet dreams.

Flirty Good Night Message For Her Long Distance

“You have 1 minute to text back or else I am going to think you’re fantasizing about me.”

flirty good night messages for crush

“I miss you with every passing second. I miss the way everything feels alright with you. I miss you.”

good night message to make her fall in love with you

“Even after spending the entire day with you, I just can’t seem to get enough of you.”

hot good night messages for girlfriend

“You mean the world to me and I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Every day before sleeping I think of ways to make you smile the next day. Your smile makes my days and nights perfect. I’ve got you and only you in my heart.”

“Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you.”

“It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm up…”

“I miss you, baby. What are you going to do about it?”

“Hold your phone tightly because this text message is a hug in disguise. Good night.”

“Hey. I know it’s late, but I can’t stop thinking of you. I hope that you have an amazing”

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“Night with dreams filled with me. Good night.”

“I bet you are beautiful when you are sleeping.”

“Are you going to think about me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so…”

“This text message is an official invitation for you to join me in my dreams.”

“My bed is so comfy tonight. I wish you were here so I could hold you. Now that would be even comfier.”

“All snuggled up in bed with my cat. There’s still plenty of room for you though. Just sayin!”

“I can’t promise to dream of you every night, as it’s really difficult to sleep with you always on my mind.”

“As you go to sleep tonight, forget counting sheep. Count the ways I love you.”

“I wish I could fall asleep in your arms.”

“I am so happy to be with you. I wish I didn’t have to sleep so we could keep talking.”

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“I’d give anything to be able to fall asleep next to you right now.”

“Each night I miss you more and more.”

“Sleep well tonight because tomorrow will be another love-filled day for us. Good night!”

“Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.”

Romantic Good Night Messages For Girlfriend 2025

Romantic Good Night Messages For Girlfriend

If you are looking for romantic good night texts for her then here I have compiled some of the best good night messages to my love far away.

flirty good night message for her

“I wish that all of our dreams about you and me come true. Good night, sweetheart.”

bedroom flirty good night message

“I love you like roses love rain, like walking together down memory lane. Sleep tight my love.”

good night message for her

“You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.”

flirty goodnight texts

“I know what you are the one, because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Goodnight.”

“I send you this message loaded with love and tenderness to wish you the sweetest night ever! Sleep well, dear.”

“Hurry to sleep, and you’ll find me… because I will dream of your kisses and soft caresses.”

“I couldn’t sleep before saying good night darling, have sweet dreams.”

Related: Freaky Names To Call My Girlfriend To Sweep off Her Feet

“One day, we will never have to say goodbye, only goodnight.”

“I can’t fall asleep until I tell you how much I miss you – love you and goodnight!”

“I want to always be in your thoughts and heart like you are always in mine.”

“As you close your eyes tonight, know that I am closing mine with you in my mind. Good night, my love.”

“I love you more than anything in this world. I hope you know that as you fall asleep.”

“Here’s to dreaming about all the romantic things we can do when we meet.”

Related: Romantic Questions To Ask Your Partner

“No distance will prevent me from loving you! I am looking forward to seeing you in my dreams.”

“My pretty girl, I want to be with you now. I hope that soon you will fall asleep in my arms!”

Sweet Goodnight Text For Her Long Distance 2025

If you are looking for sweet messages then these are ideal goodnight messages for her far away (gf or crush girl).

Sweet Good Night Message For Her Long Distance

“Before you go to sleep, I want you to know, it took me years to find my soulmate, I will never let you go. Goodnight my lady!”

flirty crush goodnight images

“They say there is no such thing as a perfect life, “they” have no idea what it is like having you in life, close your eyes, and dream of tomorrow.”

goodnight messages for her

“I have waited an eternity to meet you, but I’m really glad I found you when I did. Good night my sweetheart”

good night message to my love far away

“They say the night sky is one of the most beautiful sights on this earth, but they have never looked in your eyes when you look at me. I will see you in my dreams.”

good night text for her long distance

“You are artwork I could admire forever. Good night sweetheart.”

good night message for her long distance

“With good night love message, wishing you the sweetest dreams as you drift off to sleep. Good night my love!”

goodnight text for her long distance

“I know that it’s tough for you to fall asleep without me. Let it be the biggest nuisance in your life. Goodnight my love.”

flirty good night messages for crush

“May your dreams be as soft and sweet as your tender kiss. Good night my Princess.”

“Goodnight my love, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my love, may tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me.”

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“Tonight I fall asleep with you present in my heart. Good night my love!”

“I miss our conversations until the morning, the night is empty without you. Sweet dreams my love.

“Sun is upset and the moon is happy, because the sun is missing you, and the moon is gonna be with you for the rest of the night, have a wonderful night. Sweet dreams my love I love you.

“Sleep well because my love is the wings to cover you and my hug and kiss are the warmth to give you pleasure. Good night darling.

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“I am always instantly transported to paradise every time you give me a good night kiss because it tells me how much you love and care for me. Good night, darling.”

Hot Good Night Messages For Girlfriend Long Distance 2025

Hot Good Night Messages For Girlfriend Long Distance

If you are looking for something suitable for a good evening then these hot messages for her can be a good choice.

long good night message for her long distance

“I lоvеd ѕlееріng wіth уоu and I miss that. Good Night my hot pot.”

flirty goodnight texts for her

“God was definitely showing off when he created you. Good night love”

“Even if I can’t see you right now, I know you’re looking hot. Sweet dream baby”

“Just ѕаw ѕоmеthіng rеаllу hot thаt mаdе mе thіnk оf уоu. Good Night Hottie”

“I’m not flirting. I’m just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive. Have a sweet dream”

“The only thing that I couldn’t ever hope to resist in this life is your lips baby. Good night”

Related: Long Distance Relationship Quotes For Her

“Don’t work too hard, baby. I want you to have plenty of energy for me later. Sweet dream”

“Want to sleep over? There’s extra room in my bed for you. Good night sweetheart”

“You were amazing last night! Now imagine what it would be like if it wasn’t just a dream. Miss you baby, good night.”

“When you kiss me, I don’t just feel butterflies. I feel the whole zoo and I miss that. See you soon, sweet dream.”

Good Night Message To My Long Distance Sweetheart 2025

Here are good night love messages for her to let her know your feelings over text messages far away before going to bed.

Good Night Message To My Long Distance Sweetheart

“Sleep well sweetheart. Know that you are not alone, I am always there in your heart, wherever you are!”

“Good night my sweet lady. I hope today was lovely as you are and I hope you wake in the morning feeling beautiful as ever. I love you to the stars.”

“I hope you know how honored I am to call you my girlfriend/wife, I wanted you to know this before you close your eyes.”

“I admire your honesty, your kindness, and above all, your heart. Good night sweetheart.”

“Your beauty attracted me, but I admire you for the person you are and the joy you’ve brought to my life. Good night sweetheart.”

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“A day is going to end again. It is nice to have someone like U making everyday seems so great. Thank you, my love, and may all the angels guard you this night! Good night my sweet lady.”

“To the sweetest girl in the world who is lying in the bed and reading this message: Good night, lovely.”

“Let me wish you a good night. I hope that soon I will fall asleep together with you so I can tell you these words personally. Good night honey I love you.”

“I don’t dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you. Goodnight my love, have a sweet dream sweetheart.”

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“Every night I catch my sleep with the thought of you. I wonder how my life will be if you are not a part of it. I love you. Good night love.”

Long Good Night Message For Her Long Distance Relationship 2025

Here are long good night messages to my love far away to make your relationship stronger.

“My love, my heart, my everything. This is the time of day when I wish I could be there with you, and I hope you have a night that will give you a chance to reflect on the amazing things you have done.”

“We are planning to have a life together that I cannot wait for, and I hope that you know I am ready for all of it. This is one of the last nights we will have to be apart, and I am ready to start something with you that will last forever. I love you.”

“The plans we made for tomorrow will be some of the greatest things we have ever done, and tonight I want you to rest to ensure we have the best day tomorrow. I trust you. I believe in you, and I love you.”

“Someone once told me that you were the best decision I ever made, and the truth is that you chose me. You decided to love me, and I am so thankful for you every day. Thank you for loving me. Goodnight, my dearest.”

“Loving a girl like you has drowned my lonely days and made my soul glad again. My love for you will overshadow your fears tonight. My affection will pour out on you in the morning. Stay happy tonight, knowing fully well I got your back even at night, my darl.”

“I found favor in the most precious and enchanting eyes I’ve ever seen. I would have been blinded by the light of your intense stare and gaze at me. But funnily enough, the light of love in my eyes is stronger than yours. I love the synergy of our love, it’s strong enough to pull down any obstacle in our ways. Tonight is the most beautiful one I’ve ever witnessed cause; I can feel your love for me even from a distance.”

“Look at the hair on your head, they wave so beautifully like many exciting glasses of water. I always look at you like a beautiful mountain. You lifted my emotions from the valley and brought them up to the might hills. The night reminds me of how bright you are while the day reminds me of how beautiful you are. No matter how far I may be from you, my heart will always be in juxtaposition to yours. Sleep tight, my queen.”

“You taught me how to love when you opened my heart to love you. I love you just the way you are. It makes me strong and vulnerable at the same time. The zeal of my love for you has eaten me up. Be happy tonight, cause there’s a man who cares for you truly even with his dear life. And here he is!”

I hope these good night messages for her long distance relationship are useful to make her smile and remind her you are missing her.

Make sure you send her good morning texts in the morning before she wakes up to let her know that you are thinking of her before going to bed and after you wake up as well.

Moreover, you can use these questions to ask her which can help you learn about yourself as these questions include sexy, dirty, naughty, flirty, and romantic.

Lastly, wish her a good night’s sleep and the sweetest of dreams with these good night messages for her long-distance to let your girlfriend know that you are truly, deeply, and madly in love with her. Enjoy!

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