39 Best Ways On How To Be A Good Boyfriend | BF 2025

How To Be A Good Boyfriend

Being a good boyfriend starts with being a good friend which is easy to do as long as you have the right mindset.

It is a carefully choreographed dance, filled with tears, pampering, and delicious food. Here is how to get it:

The more you take care of your girlfriend, the more she will take care of you. It goes back to learning how to be a good boyfriend.

The more your girl/woman feels emotionally supported by someone else, the more emotionally stable she will be in the relationship.

Be patient and gentle. It will eventually come to light, but it might take some time to be a better boyfriend!

Moreover, I have shared 39 essential relationship advice for boyfriend dos and don’ts to be the best boyfriend.

Dos To Be A Good Boyfriend

Here are things you should be doing to be a good boyfriend for your woman. Have a look and learn to do’s to be the best version of yourself as well as a good boyfriend.

Dos To Be A Good Boyfriend
Dos To Be A Good Boyfriend

1. Respect her

  • Respect her as your girlfriend, as a woman, and as a human being. Be a true gentleman.
  • Don’t take advantage of her weakness, silence, kindness, patience, and others.
  • Treat her equally and unique, but it doesn’t mean showering her with gifts. Remember, relationships take a lot of work.
  • Never ignore her call and if you can’t then at least leave a text message that you are busy.

2. Show interest

3. Be your best self

  • Don’t pretend to be anything other than yourself.
  • If you feel that you’re not good enough in some way, you need to become a good boyfriend gradually. 
  • However, any woman that doesn’t like you for who you are isn’t the right woman for you unless you’re horrible.

4. Always look the best you can

How To Be A Good Boyfriend
  • Be fashionably well-groomed whether you are dating her for a long time or you have just started dating. 
  • Have a unique personality that she will miss whenever you are not around her.
  • Girls are naturally caring. They will love you and always want to see you well.
  • If you know how to take care of yourself, it will be more comfortable for her to love you more.

5. Be Surprising and Spontaneous

Surprising boyfriend
Surprising boyfriend
  • Keep surprising her with small gifts, at special times or anytime like sudden dates to express your love (poems, portraits, etc.).
  • Besides gifts, you can surprise her with small things that she likes (ice cream, or candy ), no need for a diamond ring or a costly dress.
  • Or, you can surprise her by remembering something you shared and calling back to it. Small things matter the most.

6. Make her laugh

  • Trust me, that’s what all girls want. They love funny guys who can wipe every sorrow from our faces.

7. Contribute (play your part)

  • Give more value to your lady than you expect to receive, not through words but consistent action like house help, dropping her at the office, college, etc.
  • Being a better boyfriend, play your part in the relationship.

8. Be romantic (you’re more than friends)

How to be the best boyfriend
  • All women like to be romanticized by their men because it makes them feel special, and it also lets them know you care for them.

9. Show affection and intimacy

  • Twenty minutes of lovemaking followed by a nap is what most guys think intimacy is.
  • However, holding her hand, putting your arms around her, or giving her soft kisses on her neck can make her feel special and desired.
  • The smallest of things can have the most significant effect on her. 

10. Show your masculinity

  • No one wants an immature partner in a relationship. Let her know you’re a confident man with a purpose and a mission. 

11. Be reliable

  • Be loyal to her and you need to understand your relationship is the third party involved here.
  • It needs as much love, care, and nurturing as the two of you to grow in a stronger relationship.

12. Give them (and yourself) some individual space

  • Give her time and space don’t overdo things. Over sweetness causes diabetes. There may be some things which she can’t share with you.
  • Find a balance that lets you both spend some time alone, with your individual friends, and with each other.
  • Spending time separately will make you both appreciate each other even more when you see each other again.

13. Choose kindness over winning arguments

  • Sit down with her and tries to figure out what the problem is and how to solve it.
  • This will help you both grow strong together otherwise you end up in a toxic relationship.

14. Be supportive

  • Respect her ambitions, dreams, and desires. Don’t make fun of them even if they seem to be impossible or silly given the circumstances.
  • If she is having a busy week or month, you should help her make it easier by doing small favors, like picking up lunch or giving them a ride to class, etc.

15. Learn to compromise or sacrifice

Best boyfriend tricks
Best boyfriend tips
  • Handle her tantrums and mood swings with care and patience. Don’t get pissed off, instead make her feel special.
  • By nature, girls are compassionate and emotional so need to be handled with care and patience.
  • Be understanding of her problems.
  • Bring her flowers and makeup after a fight if you were short with her or upset her.

16. Genuine compliments on her beauty

  • Tell her she’s beautiful and reassure her of your love and attention from time to time. Point out her good qualities and stop her from criticizing herself.
  • If she gets a new haircut or a new outfit, let her see that you’ve noticed and she is looking fabulous.
  • When you genuinely care about her, she’ll look beautiful to you no matter the situation. If you feel this way about her, let her know.

17. Randomly sayings

  • Say “I love you” randomly. No context, no nothing, just say it. Little things matter.

18. Showing gratitude 

  • Do show gratitude towards the lovely things she does for you. Do not miss a chance.

19. Try to be more hygienic

  • It would be best if you smelled good always, looking good is essential, but hygiene is even more critical. So, try to smell good while looking good.

20. Communicate instead of yelling

  • Never yell, swear, or (under any circumstances, ever) hit them, no matter how angry you become. Walk away for a while if you have to, come back when things are calm, and sort out by talking to each other calmly.

21. Tell her clearly how you feel 

  •  Always communicate. Ask how was your day when she is silent and avoid false promises that you can’t keep.

22. Be cool with her family and friends (Respect existing relationships)

good boyfriend respect her family and friends
  • A woman’s friends and family are essential to her; therefore, respect her parents and family by getting to know them and befriending them to whatever degree you can.
  • Do your best to withhold criticism of her friends and family even if you are convinced or justified. 
  • Win the hearts of her loved ones because in a woman’s mind if her family and friends approve of you, then your status in her mind goes through the roof.

23. Introduce her to your family and friends

  • Let her meet your family and friends, it’ll help her know you better. This shows you are serious about her and your relationship.

24. Know her & let her know you better

  • Knowing is loving. If you know your partner better, it will make her feel that you’re very interested in her.
  • Plan activities together like a short weekend trip, vacations, romantic dates, etc
  • Please don’t talk about those topics with which she is not interested in discussing or is not comfortable.
  • Always listen to your girlfriend. If necessary note down what she says. She will be delighted if you respond to her needs which she never ascertained to you directly.

25. Be a positive influence in her life

  • Be a source of positive energy for the people around you. People will be drawn to you, your woman will feel more attracted to you, and you’ll respect yourself more.

26. Learn to cook

  • Not just one very slow to prepare a meal. Learn to cook decent meals that can be prepared “normally” during a weekday. Learn to cook without making the kitchen look like a war zone.

27. Maintain your discipline, health, finances, & independence

  • So maintain your discipline, your health, your finances, your independence, and your optimism, so that you can protect your girlfriend when needed.

28. Give her a mind-blowing sexual experience

Give her a mind-blowing sexual experience
  • She also needs physical satisfaction, therefore try to give her complete fulfillment of her physical needs.

28. Remember that women like to orgasm too!

29. Be ready to marry her, at the right age and time.

  • If the two of you have already been in a relationship for a long time and you are serious about being the best boyfriend ever had
  • If your beloved girl knows that you’re already working and saving money for your wedding and future children, it will surely make her more in love with you.

Don’ts To Be A Good Boyfriend

Don't To Be A Good Boyfriend

Here are things you should not be doing to be the best boyfriend for your girlfriend. Have a look and learn the don’ts to be the best version of yourself and a good boyfriend.

1. Don’t let her treat you like shit

  • You need to respect women; at the same time, don’t let them treat you like shit. Self-respect is essential in any healthy relationship.
  • Therefore, make sure your partner does not treat you ill or disrespect you in front of others.

2. Listen to her – don’t try to fix

  • Sometimes what she wants you, sit and listen to her. Don’t try to fix every issue in her life; just let her speak.

3. Stop trying to make everyone like your stuff

4. Don’t show too much jealousy

  • Don’t be jealous of her male friends or when she talks about her ex.

5. If a woman is in a bad mood

  • Never, I repeat- never ask if she’s got her period!

6. Don’t try to control her, give each other space

  • Do not pressure your girlfriend into anything she doesn’t feel comfortable doing.
  • Don’t push her to go to things like sporting events or car races just because she is willing.
  • Don’t force things on her like wear this or don’t wear this, this looks awkward, etc. You can share your views on it though.

7. Do not cheat.

8. Don’t mention exes.

  • If she often talks about her ex, listen patiently without judging her.
  • It doesn’t mean she hasn’t got over him, but she wants you not to be the same as her ex.
  • Understand what made her leave her ex, and don’t repeat what he did.

9. Don’t be self-centered

Don't be self centered boyfriend
  • Realize some men bounce from relationship to relationship because they are selfish and self-centered.
  • Don’t expect your mom in her. That’s the most irritating thing you can expect from any girl. And don’t compare her with your family members.

10. Don’t judge her by her past

  • Humans, by nature, tend to make mistakes in every phase of life. They learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat them.
  • If she had a terrible past, doesn’t mean she is the same at present.
  • Motivate her to forget her past, as she was not at fault, and do good in the present and future.

10 Things EVERY Woman Wants In A MAN! (video)

How To Be The PERFECT Boyfriend (or Husband)!


Understand the difference between fixed deposits and small investments.

If you water your tree, it will give you fruits and shade, and shelter.

If you don’t, you will lose your shade and probably will not get any other.

Above all, make sure that you continue to make her feel attracted to you.

Unlike in the past, women are no longer ashamed to break up with a guy if the relationship isn’t working out or if she isn’t feeling the type of love, respect, and attraction that she wants to feel when in a relationship with a guy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What qualities make a good boyfriend?

    Top 15 known qualities of good boyfriends:
    1. You respect her
    2. You are surprising
    3. You give her genuine compliments
    4. You are a positive influence in her life
    5. You make her laugh
    6. You are romantic
    7. You show her affection and intimacy
    8. You are good in bed
    9. You take care of your appearance
    10. You are supportive
    11. You are hygienic
    12. You’re committed
    13. You respect her existing relationships (family & friends)
    14. You’re ready to compromise
    15. You listen to her actively

  2. What should I do as a boyfriend?

    Here are the 10 best things to be a good boyfriend to a girl:
    1. Be your best self
    2. Be funny and make her laugh
    3. Be a reliable companion
    4. Show kindness
    5. Support her decisions
    6. Learn to sacrifice
    7. Try to be hygienic
    8. Do not yell at her
    9. Express your true feelings
    10. Know her better

  3. What does a bad boyfriend do?

    6 common traits of a bad boyfriend:
    1. Makes a girl feel worthless
    2. A bad influence on a girl
    3. Disrespectful
    4. A bad boyfriend only makes a girl cry
    5. Heartless
    6. Doesn’t make feel loved by a girl

  4. How to be a good boyfriend over text?

    You need to do these 10 things to be a better partner over text:
    1. Send her good morning texts
    2. End your night conversation with bye/good night
    3. No text fighting, save it for when you’re face-to-face
    4. Avoid sarcasm, sometimes it can be misinterpreted
    5. Give spontaneous compliments
    6. Say thank you often (whenever required)
    7. Share good news when it happens, don’t wait for being together
    8. Taking a break from texting is good from getting bore
    9. Flirt with her over text
    10. Send her cute texts

  5. How to be a good boyfriend book?

    1. How to Be a Good Boyfriend by Author Rebecca A. Marquis
    2. How to Be a Good Boyfriend by Author Kimberly Peters
    3. How To Be A Better Boyfriend by Author Bruce Bryans
    4. How to Be a Better Dude and Treat Your Lady Right by Author Jeffrey K Gadley
    5. The Between Boyfriends Book by Author Cindy Chupack

  6. How to be a good boyfriend in high school/middle school?

    You can do these 10 things to be a good high school/middle school boyfriend:
    1. Try to be Yourself as much as possible
    2. Be honest and open with her
    3. Be a positive influence in her life
    4. Always be respectful to your girlfriend
    5. Don’t be pushy with intimacy or lovemaking
    6. Express your emotional side too
    7. Don’t try too hard to impress her
    8. Behave like a gentleman with her
    9. Maintain eye contact often
    10. Don’t fight for no reason

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