Are you looking for one line Instagram caption?
Here I have compiled all types of best one liners of all time that can be useful for one liner quotes, status and one line captions, and jokes for Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp.
These best one line Instagram captions feature famous, inspirational, funny, sarcastic quotes and status about life, boys, girls.
One Line Instagram Caption And Short One Line Status
Have a look at these Best One Liner Caption and Whatsapp Status of all time.
Copy-paste these One-line statuses which are small but classic, modern, cool, and appealing captions that easily fit your Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp profile.
Hopefully, you have found one line caption and quotes that you were looking, from these best one liners ever.
Moreover, enjoy these new best one line Instagram caption and Whatsapp status collection. It will be a joy for us if you share this page with your friends or on your favorite social media.