43 Ways: How To Be A Better Girlfriend To Your Boyfriend | Easy | GF | Become 2025

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Easy Ways To Be A Better Girlfriend

How To Be A Better Girlfriend To Your Boyfriend?

Honesty and loyalty are two admirable qualities to be a better girlfriend or boyfriend. The other aspect of the relationship is maintaining a healthy physical relationship.

Making out isn’t the only thing in a relationship, but it is a success factor, and it is never a problem until it is a sole problem.

Whether you have just started dating or have been in a relationship for a long time with your partner.

These 43 best ways how to be a good girlfriend to your boyfriend are going to help you.

You can quickly learn some of the advice on relationship dos and don’t have compiled that people have suggested on many popular forums.

Moreover, if you are in a long-distance relationship, these are the easiest ways to practice and strengthen your bond with him.

Just go through these common points for a girlfriend private tutorial that you should do and shouldn’t to be a good girlfriend.

Table Of Content:

Dos To Be A Better Girlfriend

Here are some of the most important 30 (dos) ways to be a better gf in a relationship with your boyfriend, whether you have just begun or are a long-time lover.

Stop worrying about how can i be a better girlfriend and improve your relationship with these relationship tips.

1. Be happy and joyful.

how to be a better girlfriend
  • You will be the sunshine of his life. And he will be full of love for you. Therefore, be happy and joyful with him.
  • Nothing makes a man happier than seeing his girlfriend smile. So whenever you meet him, put on that biggest grin.

2. Before girlfriend, be a good friend.

To be a good girlfriend, be a good friend.
To be a good girlfriend, be a good friend first
  • Be his friend first with whom he can share anything without any hesitation, with whom he can talk about anything and everything.

3. Be his heroine!

how to be a good girlfriend
  • Be a superwoman! Like Katniss, Arya, and Hermione, a strong and smart girl build a team with him where you both are equals.

4. Stay in charge of your own life and happiness.

how to be a better gf
  • It’s not his job to make you happy always; it’s yours. Please don’t always make him responsible for your happiness or lack of it.
  • Please don’t ask him to be your father or your master. Stay independent in every way.
  • You don’t need him always to decide everything for you two.

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5. Teach him.

how can i be a better girlfriend
  • Your boyfriend cannot read your mind, guess your tastes and distastes, favorite color, flowers, etc.
  • Even if he is mature and experienced, each girl is different. Tell him what you like and don’t like.

6. Give him love and tenderness.

Give him love and tenderness.
  • Boys need love as much as you do. They are not rocks, even if they try to look like rocks.
  • Support your boyfriend whenever you can, and say nice words when you are proud of him or what you like/love about him. It will boost his self-confidence, and he will love you even more.
  • Be there for him when he needs you. Hug him.

7. Never be pretentious.

  • Boys usually play fewer guessing-game and have no hidden intentions. Be less dramatic to him; let him know your true self. When he compliments you accept it, he truly means it.

8. Indulge in his hobbies.

  • Not always but be a part of his hobbies, whether it be playing football or video games. Let him teach you, and both can have fun doing it.

9. Appreciate what he does for you.

Appreciate what he does for you.
Be a better girlfriend and appreciate what he does for you.
  • It takes a lot of effort for him to make things happen. Acknowledge and appreciate them. Love him for the actions he makes to make your relationship better.

10. Don’t feed his jealousy.

  • Nobody loves the fear of losing someone you love. To see his reaction never cross your limits. Once imagine being in his shoes and then acting.

11. Try to get along with his family & friends.

  • Family & friends are as vital to him as they are to you. Take initiative and plan a night out to be with them and enjoy hearing all his embarrassing stories.

12. Relax. Let him spend some time with his friends.

  • It’s 100% healthy for him to spend some time with his friends, do things without you sometimes, and have interests outside of his relationship.
  • Keep up your other friendships, and let him keep up his — including friendships with other women. Give one another some space.

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13. Become the catalyst for his success and motivate him.

  • Understand his bad part and make him the best version of himself. Celebrating success and failure together.
  • Be positive and optimistic. Pretty much all human beings enjoy being around positive people.

14. Encourage his sensitive side.

Encourage his sensitive side.
  • Almost all guys have a sensitive side that they’re too proud to show amongst their boys, but guys like many stuff that girls do even if they won’t admit it. For example, most guys like flowers too.

On Tumblr, there was this one post: a girl went around asking guys what their favorite flowers were, and to her surprise, they all had an instant answer. The first guy she asked just smiled and said “Sunflowers!”

15. Ask questions about him, his life and be curious.

  • Not to pry or because you’re suspicious or paranoid, but rather to show that you want to know about him and that you care about who he is and what’s going on with him.

Related: Best Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Know You Love Him

16. Listen well and communicate clearly.

  • So many relationships fonder because the couple doesn’t listen to each other or fails to communicate effectively. Mean what you say, say what you mean.
  • If any issues stand in your way from feeling great with him, make sure they get resolved. It is a joint responsibility.
  • Be a good listener: even boys love to hear. Listen to his problem or anything he wants to say.

17. Have fun.

Have fun.
  • Do things together. Don’t worry too much about the future; try to enjoy each moment.

18. Have lots of self-respect.

  • Do not take any shit from him, and if he’s terrible, you will tell him so without bearing any grudges.
  • You should be treated well by him, and you understand that sucking it up is not the right partner.

Related: Why Don’t I Have A Boyfriend?

19. Allow the relationship to change and grow.

  • A relationship is like a living thing; it needs to change and grow, which can be scary sometimes.
  • Accept that things may change and that we may even grow apart. If that’s what happens, so be it – in the meantime let’s have fun!

20. Show your desire.

Show your desire.
  • Actively show the desire you feel for him. Tell him if there’s something he needs to do to turn you on (or stop turning you off).

21. Make occasional gestures of appreciation.

  • You don’t have to go out of your way, but now and then, do something you didn’t have to, just cause you know he’ll enjoy them.

22. Try some of his interests

  • If you don’t want to participate in one of his hobbies, that’s perfectly OK. Just don’t be the type of person who restricts him from doing it without you or tries to schedule other things to prevent it.

23. Carry your weight.

  • Some women seem to think it’s the man’s responsibility to develop all the plans for dates and activities. Come up with ideas and strategies for activities the two of you would enjoy.

24. Make plans sometimes.

Make plans sometimes
Be a better girlfriend and make plans sometimes
  • Don’t always expect the guys to surprise you. Don’t always expect him to remember dates. Instead of asking him to make plans and then complaining about it, make plans and surprise him.

25. Have a separate life.

  • Be a big part of his life, but maintain your own and your separate interests as well.
  • Try to let your circles of friends overlap rather than trying to keep them separate. Be a better girlfriend by respecting his space.

26. Say things other than “I love you”.

  • Be naughty, loving, humorous, playful, sarcastic, kinky, and whatnot.

27. Be the person you are.

  • Remember that he likes you because of who you are, and don’t try to become someone different. It’s not good for your relationship growth.

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28. Love the person he is.

  • Accept his flaws the way he is, not the person you thought you wanted before meeting him.
  • Don’t expect him to enjoy what you want out of the relationship; try to find out what he wants.

29. Try to be the best partner ever in bed.

Try to be the best sex partner ever.
  • This is the one thing that he wouldn’t trade for anyone. Keep things exciting and spontaneous.

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30. Love him.

  • Most important of all, Love him. The love you offer should be unconditional and without restrictions.
  • Be with him in sickness, and in health, and he will even love you more for it.

Don’ts To Be A Better Girlfriend

Prevention is better than cure, so here are 17 (don’ts) ways to become a better girlfriend in a relationship with your partner.

1. Don’t control him. Stay free and let him be free.

Don’t control him. Stay free and let him free.
Stay free and let him be free to be a better gf
  • Don’t try to cage him. Or he will feel trapped, want to escape, and runs away.
  • Try to understand him, his limits, personality, values, and point of view.
  • Let him have his own space because you can be an essential part of his life, but still, you’re just a part of not his whole life.

2. Don’t bring up what has been and gone.

  • Everyone has a phase in life. So there is no need to bring it up all again.
  • What’s gone is gone. Try to focus on your future together.

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3. Avoid nagging him.

  • Avoid being after him for everything. The best you can do is give your point of view and hope he understands.
  • Guys don’t care about the same stuff you do. It doesn’t matter if the bed is made or the toilet seat is up in the grand scheme of things. It’s not worth fighting about these small things.

4. Don’t be a drama queen.

  • Many women seem to equate drama with passion. Most men don’t. Keep your negative emotions under tight control, especially jealousy.

5. Don’t give up “you” to be “us.”

  • It’s great to find common interests, but some women give up things they enjoy if their partner isn’t interested in them.
  • It is the road to feeling diminished in the relationship rather than energized.

6. Keep relationship issues private.

Keep relationship issues private.
  • Relationship issues are a private matter between you and him. It’s none of Facebook’s, your friends, or your mother’s business.

7. Stay loyal. Don’t cheat.

8. Don’t compare him with your ex.

  • If he had been like your ex, you wouldn’t have chosen him in the first place.

9. Don’t be a boring girlfriend.

Don’t be a boring girlfriend.
  • On some days, surprise him all of a sudden by sending him pics of melons or something that you think he’ll enjoy.

10. Don’t expect him to be available all the time.

  • He has to do other things; he has his family and friends too. Give him some alone time to unwind things.

11. Don’t be mean.

  • With all the feminist things going on, nice guys are often just battered into a corner to express an independent opinion.

12. Don’t hold grudges.

  • Everyone makes mistakes, forgets stuff, or snaps out in anger or irritation sometimes.
  • Being hurt or losing trust is natural if it’s a big thing, but holding a grudge and bringing up past issues to hurt the person is not suitable for a healthy relationship.

13. Don’t take things for granted

  • Most men get immense satisfaction in seeing their girl being happy because of them/something they did: probably an ego thing: she is smiling because of me.
  • Feed his ego once in a while by just smiling at his efforts and showing your appreciation.
  • Or, at the least, acknowledge he exists.

8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less


Hopefully, these were useful points to be a better girlfriend. You can try romantic questions to ask him or something relevant from the below links.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to be a better girlfriend emotionally?

    1. Touch him like holding hands, walking arm in arm, and cuddling.
    2. Be respectful of his feelings.
    3. Compliment him around other people.
    4. Be kind and loving when you disagree with him.
    5. Say I love you often.
    6. Be an active listener of what he’s saying.
    7. Smile around him.
    8. Talk to him in a loving tone.
    9. Support him in rough times.

  2. Girlfriend duties in a relationship?

    1. Be his best friend before a girlfriend.
    2. Take care of him.
    3. Motivate him.
    4. Try to make him happy.
    5. Listen to him actively.
    6. Be honest.
    7. Be good with him in bed.
    8. Try to be yourself.
    9. Surprise him with a gift.
    10. Trust him.
    11. Make him feel important.
    12. Give him personal space.
    13. Accept him the way he is.
    14. Be faithful to him.
    15. Know him and let him know you more.

  3. How to be a good girlfriend online?

    1. Communicate daily with good morning and good nights texts.
    2. Know him and let him know you better to build your relationship.
    3. Follow each other on social media.
    4. Be honest.
    5. Send photos and videos of yourself
    6. Express your feelings with letters and special messages.
    7. Dirty talk sometimes to spice things up
    8. Do things together like online video games.
    9. Set relationship goals together.

  4. How to be a better woman in a relationship?

    1. Don’t be needy.
    2. Have your own life.
    3. Love yourself first.
    4. Take care of yourself before him.
    5. Speak what you feel.
    6. Make time for him.
    7. Appreciate him.
    8. Don’t be possessive.


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